
Quickly evaluate arc flash incident energy during protection & coordination study with time-saving features that significantly reduce costly modifications and mitigation equipment.
- Automated arc flash energy evaluation
- Constant Energy Boundary Area – C-area plots
- Arc Energy Damage Point – Arc-Resistant Switchgear (C37.20.7)
- Risk analysis based on multiple operating conditions and current variation
- Arc Flash Evaluation Rulebook
- Automatically evaluate Line, Bus, and Load-side faults
- Global filters for new IEEE 1584-2018 rules and special conditions

High accuracy arc flash analysis to calculate the incident energy for direct current applications
- Incident Energy Subtraction Method
- DC Arc Flash Calculator batch analysis
- Update ‘worst-case’ scenario from Result Analyzer to DataBlocks
- DC arc current reference TCC plot

Dedicated EMT software for analysis of power system transients.
- Switching transient
- Insulation coordination
- Lightning surges
- Renewable energy generation
- Sub-synchronous oscillations
- FACTS and electronic converters

Perform accurate and detailed multi-domain Phasor (RMS) and Electromagnetic transients (EMT) studies with ETAP Transient Stability and eMT.
- Single-domain or multiple-domain co-simulation
- Watch your transient simulations in action with Live Charts for multiple components & variables
- Simulate large networks in high-fidelity

Get a live insight into the study results using PlotView, including user-configurable visualization and export capabilities
- Live Plots overlay with previous study results
- Embedded Live Plots on One-Line Diagram
- Utilize with all major ETAP modules
- Individual or Subplot views
- Export to Excel, Zoom, Pan, Hairline Based Value Tracking and more

Feature-rich ETAP-Python API and IDE for creating and executing python scripts
- Integration of ETAP and Python scripting language
- API to batch run studies and generate output data reports
- Run studies remotely and in parallel across machines
- Built-in Python Script IDE or Editor

Dynamic Models
Dynamic Models using UDM or Manufacturer Black Box Modeling
Renewable Energy & Battery Storage Dynamic Models using User-Defined Dynamic Models (UDM) or Manufacturer Black Box Models (DLL)
- WECC distributed and small PV plants generic model (PVD1)
- WECC Energy Storage System Phase II Models – REGC_A, REEC_C, REPC_A
- WECC 2nd Generation Type 3 & 4 Wind Turbine Models – WTGT_A, WTGAR_A, WTGPT_A, WTGTRQ_A
- Generic Energy Storage System (ESS) model
- CIGRE Gas Turbine and Steam Turbine in Combined Cycle Power Plants (Report 238)
- User API to incorporate DLL based Dynamic Models

Battery Energy Management
Battery Charging & Discharging
Lithium-Ion Storage and Battery Management System for Renewables, Microgrids, Railways, and more.
- Lithium-Ion battery modeling
- Battery charge & discharge control modes
- Multiple battery State of Charge (SoC) categories
- Battery operating mode based on voltage or power Generation
- Utilize in Load Flow (AC, DC, Unified, Time Series) and eTraX modules

Battery Parameter Estimation
Estimate Battery Charge & Discharge Parameters
Identify battery charging and discharging parameters, verify the maximum capability, validate performance, and select the most appropriate battery bank.
- Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion (multiple chemistries) battery types
- Auto-update model parameters into battery library
- Automatically recalculate battery characteristics

Fast and accurate sizing and protection evaluation per the French standard for high voltage power cables.
- Complete current carrying capacity calculation
- Under-ground and Above-ground cable sizing
- Display Correction Factors applied per cable using Cable Manager

Short Circuit
Faster Result Analysis & Project Deliverables
Take the guesswork out of short circuit studies by automating the analysis of multiple simulation results and plots.
- Update ‘worst-case’ Device Duty evaluation from Result Analyzer to component DataBlocks
- Compare Device Duty results with equipment ratings in Result Analyzer
- PlotView for IEC 61363 graphical results

Identify and analyze high-risk arc flash areas with greater flexibility by simulating and evaluating various mitigation methods.
- Global & Individual typical data for enclosure editor
- Arc-Flash Calculator enhancements
- 1-Phase Arc-Flash “Worst-Case” Pole / Phase Identification

Improve the reliability of new and existing rail traction power systems from conceptual design to network planning and expansion.
- Wayside Energy Storage with Battery Management System – BMS
- Battery charging and discharging simulation
- Graphical results and plot for STATCOM & BESS
- PlotView for graphical results visualization

Easily and automatically convert from legacy software and exchange data between third-party programs and ETAP.
- Latest built-in GIS import from CYME and Milsoft WindMil Map®
- Updated built-in import tool from SKM Power*Tools® 9.0

Engineering Libraries
Verified & Validated Equipment Libraries
Industry-standard for the most comprehensive V&V engineering equipment libraries. The latest library updates are included with every release & available for download from ETAP HelpDesk.
- New Lithium-Ion Battery models
- Expanded Circuit Breaker and Relay models
- New Protective Device models
- Updated Reliability Failure Rate data
- Updated Cable Libraries per cable regulation types

ETAP Application
GIS & One-Line Diagram Foundations
Time-saving enhancements and new graphical features to increase performance and improve overall application responsiveness.
- Project & Study Wizard Toolbar
- AutoComplete Search
- Full-Screen Mode
- New Installation Framework
- Updated SAP Crystal Report (v25), MongoDB 4.2 & SQLCE 4.0
- Support for MS Windows Server 2019

Centralized Web-Based Protection & Asset Management
Solution for relay settings change management to manage location, information, and settings throughout the lifecycle of protective relays and substation assets.
- Increased data quality and access management
- Automatic processing and relay settings file generation
- Protection setting sync between a physical relay and ETAP Star PDC
- Integrated with Advanced Fault Analysis System, AFAS

Improve and augment operator / dispatcher training for electrical systems through real-world practical learning and supports decision-making via “what-if” simulations for steady-state and dynamic system conditions.
- ETAP-in-the-Loop system simulation
- Training Simulator for SCADA, PMS, EMS, ILS, DMS, and OMS
- Instructor to multi-trainee environment with Ad hoc and pre-defined scenarios
- Evaluation of trainee performance and continuous learning environment

Advanced Fault Analysis System
Accurate Fault Location & Outage Management
Operational and decision-support analysis software to accurately simulate fault transients of distribution systems to improve fault location accuracy.
- Fault information retrieval – COMTRADE
- Fault type, impedance, and location identification
- Phasor and Frequency estimation
- Graphical visualization and reporting or fault location
- Integrates with eProtect and OMS

An integrated model-driven design software and control hardware solution to develop, simulate, optimize, validate, and control microgrids.
- Generation Optimization
- Generation and Load Forecasting
- Grid Power Interchange Control
- Black start and system restoration
- Islanding Management
- Optimize, tune, and hot-swap logic
- Control validation via real-time simulation

Power Plant Controller
Model-driven renewable power plant control and management with SCADA visualization, predictive analysis, optimization and forecasting.
- Design and operate to balance Grid Code Compliance and power plant performance
- Active power, reactive, and energy storage management
- Intelligent and centralized renewable farm control
- Renewable energy SCADA and dashboards

Shorten project delivery time, improve design quality, and increase project efficiency using the latest features of the NetPM platform.
- Collaborative GIS model management
- Efficient queue management for graphics
- Data Undo using local queue

Increase accessibility to ETAP projects for data collection and verification with the updated version of etapAPP™, a tablet application made for field engineers.
- Pin favorite data fields and properties
- Element disconnect capability
- Enhanced One-Line Diagram editing
- Improved Geo-tagging, Zoom, and equipment search tools