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ShipConstructor is an AutoCAD based software product line created for design, engineering and construction in the shipbuilding industry. ShipConstructor’s AutoCAD foundation provides a user environment that is a globally recognized CAD/CAM standard. This results in an existing labor pool of expertise, a common DWG format for sharing information with other applications, and a portfolio of complementary Autodesk products.

ShipConstructor’s use of COTS technologies such as AutoCAD and Microsoft SQL Server allows it to be integrated with other business processes and applications. This enables it to address the requirements of all clients and projects. The Associative DWG capability of ShipConstructor’s Marine Information Model provides true Concurrent Engineering for the first time in shipbuilding CAD/CAM; all engineering disciplines can work within a single integrated environment with associativity that extends to the production drawing level. These differentiators are combined in an industry specific product that incorporates shipbuilding standards, concepts and terminology.


MarineDrafting Enhancements


Automatically Generated Pipe and HVAC Centerlines

In ShipConstructor 2018 R2, we have introduced two new options when generating MarineDrafting geometry. You can now enable the display of pipe and HVAC centerlines in 2D output. Automatically inserted centerlines will save you a significant amount of time when placing dimensions and performing general detailing of production drawings.



Simplified and Detailed Representations of 2D Geometry

Another useful feature added in this release is the ability to choose between simplified and detailed representations of parts in 2D views. Depending on the scale of production output that needs to be delivered, you have the option to show a high level of detail in your drawings as well as the option to minimize geometry by using simplified representations for some parts. Note that simplified representations currently apply to Structure parts only. If this option is enabled, all stiffeners and hidden plate parts that meet the required conditions will be generated as single lines opposed to showing them as complete 3D solids projected onto a 2D plane.




Consistent Results when Generating Output

There are also significant enhancements to the MarineDrafting view generation algorithm. These enhancements range from addressing missing geometry for hidden plates to reworking the low-level code responsible for consistency of 2D output. The improved algorithm ensures a much higher quality 2D output and addresses an issue of the original geometry reappearing in the drawing on top of your manual work after updating the view.


Lightweight Model Link

The Lightweight Model Link Manager allows you to quickly bring a stage into your current model drawing to see how your work references against everything else in the ship. This is done without the performance hit of the traditional Model Link which uses drawings.


Label List Palette Enhancements


Based on the enthusiastic response it received, after additional development this feature has now been moved out of the Subscription Advantage Pack and into the core product. With just one look at the Label List palette you now can instantly tell which parts are missing labels and where those parts are located in a drawing. This helpful Production Palette has several convenient features such as the ability to select parts in model space, the ability to initiate manual labeling and the ability to change the visual presentation of data.


Generate Names by Unit

A new enhancement to our Generate Names functionality for Naming Conventions allows you to simply pick one or multiple units in your project and update part names. The previous functionality to Generate Names for the entire project remains the same.
